Nourishing motherhood
at every stage

Being a Mama is hard work. Becoming one is also hard work.

When I first fell pregnant, I was completely overwhelmed and out of my depth. I didn’t have an obstetrician, I wasn’t taking prenatal vitamins, and I didn’t know any of the “trying to conceive” acronyms.

So, imagine how out of my depth I felt when I experienced my first miscarriage at twelve weeks. Three additional pregnancy losses, five surgeries, invasive testing, IVF, and a traumatic birth experience culminated in the long-awaited moment when I finally held our baby girl after more than four years of fertility struggles.

My experience was isolating, all-consuming and, at times, soul-destroying. It was also the catalyst for deep healing, monumental growth, and heart-opening change.

This same intense journey, a cycle of loss and heartbreak, shaped me into the mother I am today—not just for my daughter, but the mother I am to myself. Grounded, nurturing, and wholeheartedly present, I show up rested and nourished, embodying my version of motherhood with resilience and grace.

Through two decades of professional experience, I've gained expertise in supporting women through the transformative journey of matrescence. As a mother and wellness expert, I provide practical insight and firsthand experience to those navigating the complexities of motherhood, helping them find resilience, healing, and empowerment.

Prepare: Preconception and Fertility

Connect: Pregnancy and Birth

Nourish: Postpartum and Beyond

  • Anyone embarking on their journey towards conscious conception through holistic practices. Whether you're navigating fertility challenges (including pregnancy loss), exploring assisted reproductive treatments, or simply seeking guidance on your path to motherhood, I'm here to provide the personalized support and guidance you need to feel empowered and well-prepared for the journey ahead.

    • Nutrition

    • Stress Management

    • Sleep Optimization

    • Cycle Awareness

    • Fertility Factors

    • Lifestyle Habits

    • Intuitive Connection

    • Holistic Support

  • Expectant mothers who are seeking support and guidance throughout their pregnancy journey. Pregnancy is a time of immense joy, but it can also bring a whirlwind of changes, both physically and emotionally. As your coach, I understand the excitement and uncertainty that accompany this journey. Together, we'll navigate these transitions, helping you feel deeply connected to your body and the miracle of pregnancy. I'm here to offer unwavering support and guidance, empowering you to embrace each stage of pregnancy with calmness and confidence as you prepare for the beautiful journey into motherhood.

    • Prenatal Nutrition

    • Rest and Relaxation

    • Emotional Well-being

    • Gestational Care

    • Self-Care Practices

    • Antenatal Education

    • Natural Birth Preparation

    • Community Connection

    • Trusting Maternal Instincts

    • Postpartum Preparation

  • New mothers who are seeking support and guidance as they navigate the whirlwind of new motherhood. Navigating the changes in your body, prioritizing self-care, and managing the rollercoaster of emotions can feel overwhelming, but I'm here to guide you through every step of the way. Together, we'll explore nourishing recovery and empower you to embrace the beautiful transformation into motherhood, one step at a time. Welcome to a sanctuary where you can find the support and guidance you need to thrive in this sacred chapter of your life.

    • Physical Healing

    • Optimal Nutrition

    • Self-Care Practices

    • Transition Support

    • Psychological Well-being

    • Attachment and Bonding

    • Rest and Recovery

    • Time Management

    • Understanding Hormones

    • Mindful Parenting

Signature Program


Whether you're preparing for conception, navigating the beautiful journey of pregnancy, or embracing the postpartum period. Together, we'll craft clear goals and actionable steps tailored to your unique path, ensuring tangible progress every step of the way. With personalized guidance, practical strategies, and compassionate support, my 12-week program offers a sanctuary for nurturing your mind, body, and spirit so you can step into your own sacred journey of motherhood with confidence and grace, bringing you closer to your aligned self.

Total Investment: £2400
Payment Plans Available

  • This is an opportunity for us to connect and talk about what you are hoping to achieve from working with a coach. You’ll be able to ask me any questions and experience ‘coaching in action’ as we review your pre-consultation questionnaire. This is a complimentary no-obligation session to see if we are a good fit. Click here to book

  • In this sacred journey, we'll craft each session to honour your divine feminine energy and nourish your soul. Every two weeks, we'll connect virtually on Zoom to work through your real-life challenges and wellness goals, reflect on progress, and weave your personal roadmap towards fulfilment and empowered motherhood.

  • Throughout our coaching journey, I am here to answer questions, offer support, and build motivation and encouragement.

  • My goal is to help you feel informed, empowered, and supported throughout our time together and to set you up for success long after our program has concluded.

  • Each time we connected felt like a little reprieve from the daily grind

    and a time and space created for myself (and what felt like a very helpful friend to connect). If not for anything else, I'm grateful for having those little escapes over the last few months.”

    Dina W.

  • "Elisa is the sweetest, most down-to-earth, and lovely soul you will meet.

    She has an incredible way of making you feel instantly comfortable and brings compassion and energy to every session. Her nurturing style, coupled with her extreme knowledge on all aspects across health and wellness, allows her to design real and honest programs that are individually tailored to achieve actual results.”

    Emma S.

  • “I'm now noticing and thinking about things I never used to think about

    and making conscious efforts to notice my thoughts both positive and negative, and really noticing the difference that it makes to everything from how I'm feeling to how good my day ends up being!”

    Jelena I.

  • "Elisa has an innate ability to make you feel comfortable and calm in her presence

    Her thoughtful questioning style and the exercises she provides allow you to get to the core of the areas you want to address without being overwhelmed.”

    Louise S.

  • "Journaling has really helped me get out of my head, and let go of things

    Instead of letting them manifest (especially during bedtime, which has had a massive impact on my mood, my thoughts and my sleep.”

    Jane I.

  • "Before I started coaching with Elisa I thought health coaching was only about food and nutrition

    however, Elisa has a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, which includes the connection between the mind, body, and soul.”

    Kellie S.

Start your journey here…


Schedule a complimentary call to discuss your wellness goals and how a coaching program can support you on your journey.


In our intake session, we'll discuss your health goals, covering nutrition, support, mindfulness, self-care, sleep, and more.


Unlock lasting transformation with guidance, support, and accountability to align with your wellness goals.

Common Questions:

  • Research shows that it takes around three months to establish new habits and see significant results, making the 12-week timeframe ideal for long-term transformation. We believe in providing you with the support and guidance needed to create lasting change, and the 12-week duration allows us to do just that.

  • The 12-week coaching program includes personalized one-on-one sessions, tailored action plans to help you achieve your goals, ongoing support and accountability, and access to a range of resources and materials to support your journey. These resources may include worksheets and educational materials to enhance your experience and facilitate your progress.

  • The 12-week coaching program is £2400. We offer flexible payment options to accommodate different budgets, including one-time payments and instalment plans. Our goal is to make our services accessible to everyone who is committed to their wellness journey, so please reach out to discuss pricing options further.

  • I offer 60-minute consultations starting from £295. This one-hour coaching session provides insights, support, inspiration, and guidance on a challenge or experience you're currently navigating. Additionally, you'll receive follow-up support via email for 2-3 weeks, along with a complimentary 20-minute session scheduled 2-3 weeks after the initial one-hour session. No initial consult is held prior to this session. Should you choose to move forward with a program after the 60-minute session, the consultation fee can be credited towards your chosen program. Book here

  • A Health Coach is a wellness expert and mentor who guides individuals in achieving optimal health and well-being through personalized diet and lifestyle adjustments. They work closely with clients to identify their specific health goals and develop tailored wellness routines that suit their unique needs and preferences. Taking an integrative and holistic approach, Health Coaches consider various aspects of life beyond food, including career, physical activity, and relationships, known as primary foods. By providing a safe and supportive environment, Health Coaches empower clients to explore all dimensions of their well-being, applying concepts such as primary food methods and other core principles for a comprehensive understanding of health. A Health Coach does not provide medical advice, diagnose, or treat illness.